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Our Church

Click Here to Hear "Just A Closer Walk With Thee"


This our church. I have been to many churches
in my lifetime, and our family finally found a
church, that had a "Mission Statement based on
God's word - The Holy Bible." I began a member
of Central Christian Center in 1994. I have
been Blessed since joining there. A church is
made body of people coming together to worship
God. Our pastor is the type teaches, rather
than tells, he tells it like it is, there is no
wishywashy - if you do not like hearing the
truth, perhaps you need to listen. :)

If you died today, do you know where you would
spend eternity? Are you unsure, if you will
go to heaven or hell? If you are unsure, all
you have to do, is to be SAVED. Repent for your
sins, accept Jesus as Your Savior, and you will
be saved.

Jesus died on the Cross for you, and for me. Have
you ever thought of what a cruel death that would
be? To be crucified by your father, and you had
not even sinned......to save others from the realms
of Hell? Heaven or Hell -Its your choice!

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