**** As you have probably noticed, when you opened this page, you first saw a Flag of the State of Missouri. Yes, that is where I am from. GOD IS FIRST IN MY LIFE! My FAITH has been what has made me handle the most difficult and trying situations in my life. It is my sincere hope and prayer, that all who do not know God, will seek him and surrender by accepting Jesus Christ as their Savior, so they will not be "Left Behind."

At this is site.....You will learn more about me, as to why I decided to have a "HomePage," some of my favorite stories, family photos, and maybe even some jokes. I will tell you about my wife's accident", how it affected me and my family, etc. It may take me a bit to get a guestbook, but please bear with me! Making a Home Page is new to me. You may email me at dhbayle@msn.com I will be happy to add your site or link to my page.

CHECK OUT This Site - Mr. Mom's! A Great Christian Site Its One My Family Likes Best http://mrmom.amaonline.com |